Provide liquidity to Uniswap v3 full-range position to mint kLP tokens. kLP tokens represent your position in the pool and can be redeemed for underlying assets.
Choose maximum desired amount of each asset to provide, and Pair Manager will calculate the exact input amount of each token.
Note: Minimum amount of underlying tokens (3 KP3R) is necessary for the liquidity to generate credits.
As a job owner, you have to ensure your job has enough liquidity credits. Take your time to calculate necessary amount of governance approved kLPs. Only then, mint and add kLP tokens to your job.
Once kLPs are added, job will generate KP3R credits. These credits will be later used to reward keepers working on your job.
Credits minting rate is proportional to underlying KP3Rs in kLPs, and relation between rewards length and inflation periods.
Note: If you add credits to job which is considered malicious, your kLP tokens might get slashed. Read docs for more info.
If your job isn't necessary anymore, you are able to unbond your kLPs from it and withdraw the underlying tokens after the unbonding period has passed (default 14 days).
Note: Minimum amount of underlying tokens (3 KP3R) is necessary for the liquidity to generate credits. You must unbond all kLPs and can't stay below minimum.
BurnBurn your kLP to withdraw underlying tokens.
Pay keepers directly by sending tokens. This method is direct expense – consider providing liquidity cause you will get your liquidity back once you are done paying keepers.
Note: It is impossible to add KP3R tokens this way, provide liquidity to have KP3R minted.
Withdraw tokensPull all unspent tokens from job.